Avariels of Belagin
Avariels of Belagin

Avariels of Belagin

Celestial Reunion: The Avariels of Belagin – 800 OC

In the cosmic dance of Aeriespace, a momentous event unfolded as the Avariels of Aerie encountered their distant kin on the planet Belagin. The celestial reunion, bathed in the glow of distant stars, marked a significant chapter in the history of both worlds.

The Discovery of Belagin

  • 780 OC: Through celestial exploration, Avariels from Aerie, led by skilled navigators and explorers, discovered the floating islands of Belagin. The lush, airborne continents drew the attention of the Avariels, who were captivated by the unique celestial beauty of their newfound celestial neighbor.

Reluctant Cooperation

  • 782 OC: The Royal Elven Fleet, guardians of Belagin, was initially hesitant about revealing the existence of the Avariels to their kin from Aerie. However, the necessity of cooperation became evident as external threats loomed on the cosmic horizon. A delicate alliance was reluctantly forged to ensure the protection of both Aeriespace and Belagin.

The Royal Elven Fleet’s Role

  • 785 OC: Under the reluctant but protective gaze of the Royal Elven Fleet, Avariels from Belagin were recruited to contribute their skills and expertise to an orbital base that served as a hub for celestial cooperation. The Avariels of Belagin, known for their unique aerial adaptations and resourcefulness, became valuable assets in the shared endeavor to safeguard their celestial realms.

Cultural Exchange

  • 790 OC: The initial hesitations transformed into a cultural exchange between the Avariels of Aerie and Belagin. Festivals, knowledge-sharing events, and collaborative projects became common, fostering a sense of unity and camaraderie among the celestial kin.

Orbital Base Operations

  • 795 OC: The orbital base, strategically positioned between Aerie and Belagin, emerged as a center for collaborative efforts. Avariels from both worlds worked together to monitor celestial activity, address external threats, and advance their understanding of the cosmic tapestry they shared.

Solidarity Against Threats

  • 800 OC (Present): As external threats intensified in Aeriespace, the reluctant cooperation between Avariels of Aerie and Belagin evolved into a formidable alliance. The Royal Elven Fleet played a crucial role in maintaining peace and security, ensuring that both worlds remained protected against cosmic adversaries.

Legacy of Cooperation

The encounter with Avariels on Belagin left an enduring legacy of cooperation and unity within Aeriespace. The skies, once marked by hesitant alliances, now witnessed a shared commitment to celestial harmony. The Avariels, united by the bonds of kinship and a common destiny, continued to navigate the celestial expanse together, facing the unknown with strength drawn from their newfound solidarity.

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