

The Drones on your ship are versatile and powerful, equipped with both offensive and defensive capabilities. Let’s delve into the detailed features and functions of these drones:

Drone Features

  1. Location Deployment:
    • Each location on the ship is equipped with three drones: one active and two as backups. The backup drones are ready to be deployed sequentially, ensuring a continuous and reliable presence of these versatile machines.
  2. Psi Points and Recharge:
    • Each drone possesses 9 psi points, providing the energy needed for their various abilities. These points automatically recharge every day. When docked, the drones tap into the ship’s main power, ensuring sustained functionality during periods of inactivity.

Offensive Abilities

  1. Assess Foe (2 psi):
    • As a bonus action, the drone can analyze the aura of a targeted creature. This analysis reveals the creature’s current hit point total and provides information on its immunities, resistances, and vulnerabilities. This tactical insight allows the crew to make informed decisions in combat.
  2. Bolt (5 psi):
    • Based on the information gathered from the Assess Foe scan, the drone can manifest a powerful Bolt attack. The Bolt has a range of 200 feet and can be imbued with cold, electricity, fire, or sonic energy. The damage dealt is 5d6 points to every creature or object within the area.
    • Energy Type Modifiers:
      • Cold: +1 point of damage per die; Fortitude save for reduced damage.
      • Electricity: +2 bonus to the save DC and +2 bonus on manifester level checks for overcoming power resistance.
      • Fire: +1 point of damage per die.
      • Sonic: -1 point of damage per die, ignores an object’s hardness. The power’s subtype matches the manifested energy type.
    • Augmentation:
      • Spending additional power points increases the Bolt’s damage by one die (d6). For every two additional dice of damage, the power’s save DC increases by 1. This allows for flexibility in adjusting the power of the Bolt based on the tactical situation.

Defensive Abilities

  • While the drones are primarily equipped for offense, their ability to assess foes and unleash powerful Bolts provides a tactical advantage in defending the ship against potential threats.

The drones, with their offensive and defensive capabilities, stand as formidable guardians of the ship, ready to analyze, strike, and adapt to the challenges presented in the cosmic expanse. Their strategic deployment ensures that the ship’s crew has a versatile and efficient tool for handling a variety of situations.

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