Memory Crystals
Memory Crystals

Memory Crystals

Memory Crystals

The Library aboard your ship is a monumental repository of knowledge, seamlessly blending advanced technology with magical capabilities. Let’s explore the detailed functionalities and vast wealth of information it holds.

System Details

Apart of the GOLTHAS System

Memory Crystal Tablets

  1. Conversion Process:
    • Each panel in the Library is equipped to house 40 Memory Crystal Tablets. These crystals possess a remarkable ability to instantly copy the contents of books, scrolls, or similar written mediums using a converter tablet. However, it’s important to note that the original work is sacrificed in the process, particularly for non-magical materials. Magical works, unfortunately, cannot be converted.
  2. Capacity and Efficiency:
    • A single Memory Crystal Tablet is a marvel of storage efficiency. It can store the equivalent of up to 4,691,249,611 books, each containing 200 pages or 240,000 characters. The Library’s capacity for information storage is staggering, allowing it to preserve an immense volume of knowledge without taking up physical space.
  3. Data Absorption Rate:
    • The Library’s Memory Crystal Tablets can absorb information at a rapid rate, capable of copying the contents of one book per round (approximately 200 pages). This high-speed data absorption ensures that the Library can quickly archive extensive collections of written knowledge.

Access and Display

  1. Unified Information Hub:
    • Once a Memory Crystal is inserted into the display, the entire ship gains access to the stored information. The Library serves as a centralized and accessible information hub, making the wealth of knowledge available to all crew members regardless of their location on the ship.

Database Contents

  1. Creature Species:
    • The Library’s database includes detailed information on over 1000 known creature species. This comprehensive collection encompasses the diverse inhabitants of the cosmos, providing valuable insights for encounters, research, or diplomatic interactions.
  2. Spelljammer Ship Details:
    • The Library catalogues data on over 100 Spelljammer Ship details. Each entry contains specifications, capabilities, and potentially historical information about these unique vessels, offering a valuable resource for ship identification and strategic planning.
  3. Crystal Sphere Details:
    • Over 300 Crystal Sphere details are meticulously recorded in the Library’s database. These entries provide information about the characteristics, celestial bodies, and potential challenges within each crystal sphere, aiding the crew in navigation and exploration.
  4. Liquid Identification:
    • The Library boasts information on over 350 identified liquids, offering insights into their properties, uses, and potential applications. This knowledge is crucial for various scenarios, from scientific research to alchemical endeavors.

The Library stands as a testament to the fusion of advanced technology and magical capabilities, providing the ship’s crew with an unparalleled resource for learning, exploration, and problem-solving. As crew members access this wealth of information, the Library becomes a dynamic tool that enhances their understanding of the cosmos and empowers them on their cosmic journey.

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