

Belagin is a somewhat typical air world, with numerous solid islands floating throughout it. These islands, which sometimes are the size of continents, hold a wide variety of human, demi-human, humanoid, and other creatures, usually living in a tribal lifestyle. The races possess a wide variety of cultures and levels of civilization. The various races usually keep to themselves, living in isolation and only occasionally meeting to trade. The floating continents and islands of Belagin actually rise over time. The underside of each floating land mass is super-heated and produces lift. The rising land mass slowly spreads as it rises within Belagin, cooling as it does so. Eventually, the ascent slows, and the land mass begins to crumble. The continents typically have lifespan of 2-12 years, so the inhabitants must find new territories on a regular basis. This causes most of the civilizations to have a quasi-nomadic lifestyle, competing for good land.

The tribes are mostly unfamiliar with spelljamming technology. A few have developed other means of navigating through the air -gliders and balloons are common. A few tribes have developed craft which fly (similKar to spelljamming) with magical enchantment, and some have even formed merchant caravans. Spelljamming visitors to Belagin are frequently mistaken for scouts or invaders from another tribe.The actual skies of Belagin have a variety of bewildering weather patterns. Tornados, hurricane-force winds, and mild showers all are found within Belagin. The tornados of Belagin are of particular interest, since they actually form not only the familiar cones,
