Telekinetic Grapple
Telekinetic Grapple

Telekinetic Grapple

The Telekinetic Grapple

The Telekinetic Grapple is a powerful tool in the ship’s arsenal, utilizing advanced telekinetic technology to manipulate external objects and even exert influence over other ships during tactical maneuvers.

System Details

Apart of the GOLTHAS System

Key Features

  1. Range and Capacity:
    • The Telekinetic Grapple can be employed up to 900 feet away from the ship, providing a considerable range for various applications. It boasts an impressive lifting capacity, allowing it to move objects of up to 50 tons with ease. This makes it a versatile tool for interacting with distant objects or even manipulating the surroundings during space travel.
  2. Control Interface:
    • A skilled Avarial takes control of the Telekinetic Grapple by placing their palm on the console, a gesture reminiscent of spellcasting. This interface allows for precise control and manipulation, harnessing the power of telekinesis with finesse.
  3. Grapple Facing Change:
    • The Telekinetic Grapple becomes a tactical asset during ship-to-ship encounters. By utilizing the grapple as a maneuvering tool, it can force an opposing ship to undergo a significant facing change of up to 90 degrees. This abrupt shift in orientation can leave the crew of the affected ship shaken, disrupting their operations and creating a strategic advantage for the user.
  4. Internal Grapple:
    • Within the confines of the ship, the Telekinetic Grapple serves as a versatile tool for restraining or manipulating bulky and heavy items. This functionality is especially useful in the cargo hold or hangar, where precise control and telekinetic strength are needed for managing and securing various objects.

Tactical Applications

  1. External Manipulation:
    • The Telekinetic Grapple is instrumental in handling objects located beyond the ship’s physical reach. Whether it’s retrieving valuable resources from asteroids, securing derelict ships for salvage, or manipulating distant structures, the grapple provides the crew with a means to interact with the external environment.
  2. Tactical Maneuvers:
    • During combat scenarios, the grapple’s ability to induce a facing change in an opponent’s ship adds a strategic layer to space battles. By disorienting and potentially shaking the crew of the targeted ship, the Telekinetic Grapple becomes a key tool for gaining a tactical edge.
  3. Internal Cargo Management:
    • The grapple’s internal applications are equally valuable. In the cargo hold or hangar, it can assist in securing and arranging heavy items, ensuring efficient use of space and facilitating the crew’s operations.

Imagine the ship navigating through the vastness of space, encountering a valuable resource just out of reach. The Avarial crew member steps up to the console, places their palm on it, and activates the Telekinetic Grapple. The ship’s surroundings come to life as the grapple extends its influence, manipulating external objects with precision. In the midst of a space skirmish, the grapple becomes a tactical tool, forcing a sudden change in an opponent’s ship’s facing and leaving their crew shaken. The Telekinetic Grapple is not just a utility; it’s a dynamic and strategic asset for the crew’s cosmic adventures.

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